
Do you feel like God is never on your side? Why do these inconvenient and difficult things happen in your life? When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. The same was true for many of the characters of the Old Testament who faced much hardship.

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Acts of the Apostles

Jesus came to this earth, born as a baby, and lead an amazing and miraculous ministry, culminating with his death and resurrection. But what happened afterward? How did a small band of followers become a worldwide movement? How did weak uneducated commoners grow into the spiritual giants and leaders of the church that forever altered the course of human history? 

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What do you really know about the Book of Jonah BESIDES the giant fish? Is it just a children's fairy tale? Pastor Ken digs deeper into this Minor Prophet and looks at the lessons learned from a reluctant man who was given an important mission containing a powerful message.

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The Message in the Music

Can't help but clap your hands, stomp your feet, and memorize the lyrics to your favorite songs from the latest musicians and performing artists? Love catching the hottest new songs on iTunes, Pandora, or Youtube? Sure, everyone does, but what is really the message in the music?

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The Next Level

Many of us call ourselves Christian, and have taken the first steps to becoming a believer, but what does it mean to really grow in your walk with the LORD? How do we increase our faith and follow Jesus Christ closely and consistently?

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